We’re the Solution to a Chronic Waste Problem

We are a bilingual composting company, committed to transforming our community into one that solves its problems sustainably.

By signing up for our organic waste collection service, you’re not just delegating a responsibility—you’re helping to establish a chain of environmental regeneration.

WHat is composting?

Composting is nature's own method of waste disposal and soil fertilization, performed by naturally occurring bacteria, fungi, and insects that break down organic materials into fine, nutrient-rich, dark, dirt-like matter –  compost. 

The microbes do the work; we create the environment to keep them working. They need only air, water, and organic material—food scraps, garden waste, wood, and paper—to thrive.  

Compost can be used as mulch or mixed into the soil. It improves soil texture, retains moisture, restricts weed growth, and acts as a fertilizer.

Composting reduces your food and garden waste while enriching your garden and our land's soil composition. It's also an, easy and forgiving process.


To be part of the solution to the waste management problem in Antigua, Guatemala. We offer a sustainable service for those eager to experiment with composting, reduce their environmental impact, and contribute to a greater collective effort. 


To become the leading composting company in Antigua, Guatemala, and position ourselves as a sustainable challenge to the status quo. We aim to bring about  a visible social and environmental impact on  climate change, to cultivate altruism, and to highlight the importance of collective efforts in transforming the community.
