How do I start composting?

Regardless of where you live, composting can be easy to manage, clean up, and reduce the amount and odors of your garbage. If you have yard space, you can set up an outdoor compost bin yourself (we’ll show you how!). If not, we offer drop-off locations or a composting service that picks up your compostable materials.

To get started, you need to:

1. Collect food scraps while you cook.

2. Store your leftovers in a covered container until you are ready to put them outdoors.

3. Move the scraps weekly to your outdoor compost pile or curbside/drop-off location 

To compost in your yard, you need to:

  1. Buy or build a compost garbage can.

  2. Fill the can with  browns (leaves, twigs) and greens (kitchen scraps, grass clippings).

  3. Keep pests and animals away: do not include meats, oils, or bones.

  4. Cover food scraps with leaves or grass clippings. Cover the container.

  5. As needed, add water to maintain moisture.

When the material at the bottom of your pile becomes rich and dark, it is ready-to-use compost. This process can take anywhere from 2 months to 2 years.


Cover the newly added food scraps with three times the amount of browns you have been collected. 

When your outside bin/container is full, turn it over. This will help the materials continue to decompose by reintroducing air (microbes need oxygen!) to the garbage can. 

Don't be surprised if there are bugs or odors when you empty/turn your compost garbage can. Sunlight and fresh air take care of both fairly quickly. 

If your compost garbage can smells too strong and is liquid, add more browns. 

A little steam coming off your compost pile in the morning is a good sign - heat is a byproduct of healthy microbial activity and a sign that you created a working compost pile!

When can I use it?

Good things take time. Before using it for your garden, the compost should be at least 6 months old and not feel hot to the touch. When it's ready, simply mix your compost into your garden soil and watch your plants thrive.

What can I compost?

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Nuts, cereals, and rice

  • Flowers*

  • Coffee grounds and coffee filters

  • Uncoated paper* (napkins/towels/wipes)

  • Leaves*

  • Wood chips* Wood chips

  • Old mulch* 

  • Dried grass clippings*

  • Shredded paper

  • Paper egg cartons*

  • Cardboard tubes

  • Pizza boxes (broken down)* 

  • Fats, oils, and cooking fats

  • Certified compostable containers (take-out containers)

  • Meat and bones

  • Milk and yogurt

  • Eggshells*

    (Items marked with a * can be composted in your garden without any trouble from pests or animals)

    What CANNOT be composted?

  • Garbage

  • Diapers

  • Duroport

  • Pet waste

  • Snack/chip bags

  • Cigarette butts

  • Candy wrappers

  • Clothing

  • Biodegradable plastics

  • Take-out coffee cups


Composting & Climate Change